

  • 格式FLAC
  • 大小2.45GB
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  • 最近更新2021年06月24日






CD1: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国①-箫·笛-长城谣

01. 我的家在日喀则 (My Home Is In Rikaze) [0:03:50.00]

02. 长城谣 (Song of Greatwall) [0:08:19.00]

03. 白蹄马 (White Hoof Horse) [0:02:23.00]

04. 克什克舞曲 (Dance Music of Kesike) [0:07:47.00]

05. 江河水 (Rivers) [0:07:26.00]

06. 梧桐树 (Phoenix Tree) [0:04:39.00]

07. 月舞曲 (Moon Dancing) [0:03:19.00]

08. 五哥放羊 (Brother is Shepherd) [0:05:37.00]

09. 落水天 (The Sky Following in Water) [0:07:20.00]

10. 想亲娘 (Miss My Partner) [0:05:44.00]

CD2: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国②-柳琴-喜玛拉雅

01. 渔光曲 (Fishing Scenery) [0:06:04.00]

02. 祝英台 (Yintai June) [0:03:38.00]

03. 小白菜 (Small Chinese Cabbage) [0:07:37.00]

04. 爱之火 (Fire of Love) [0:04:50.00]

05. 康定情歌 (Love Song of KangDing) [0:05:32.00]

06. 映山红 (Azalea) [0:05:00.00]

07. 小黄鹂 (Yellowbird) [0:04:34.00]

08. 银花飞 (Silver Flower Swiftly) [0:06:34.00]

09. 喜马拉雅 (Himalayas) [0:07:18.00]

10. 五更调 (Before Dawn) [0:03:23.00]

CD3: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国③-琵琶-大浪淘沙

01. 花菲花 (Flower Humble Flower) [0:05:03.00]

02. 河里洪巴 (Helihonbe) [0:04:57.00]

03. 雨不洒花花不开 (The Flower Will Open When It Is Rain) [0:05:45.00]

04. 走西口 (Go to Xikou) [0:04:13.00]

05. 兰花花 (Lan Hua Hua) [0:03:01.00]

06. 瀰渡山歌 (Song of Midu Mountain [0:04:29.00]

07. 天黑黑 (Dark Sky) [0:04:38.00]

08. 草原之夜 (The Night of Glassland) [0:06:08.00]

09. 大浪淘沙 (The Great Waves Lashes the Sands) [0:05:17.00]

10. 梅花三弄 (Three Variations of Plum Blossom) [0:04:08.00]

CD4: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国④-扬琴-凤阳花鼓

01. 在北京的金山上 (On the Golden Hill of Beijing) [0:04:55.00]

02. 凤阳花鼓 (Flower Drun of Feng Yang) [0:03:46.00]

03. 马车夫之歌 (Song Fo Groom) [0:07:10.00]

04. 彩虹妹妹 (Rainbow Sister) [0:03:33.00]

05. 敖包相会 (Meeting in the Aobao Yurt) [0:05:44.00]

06. 踏雪寻梅 (Step Snow Seek Plum) [0:02:45.00]

07. 青海青 (Blue Qinghai) [0:05:01.00]

08. 掀起你的盖头来 (Raise Your Cover) [0:04:04.00]

09. 怀念曲 (Missing Song) [0:06:05.00]

10. 将军令 (General’s Song-Poem) [0:06:21.00]

11. 哭七七 (Cry Double Seven) [0:07:03.00]

12. 等你到天明 (Wait You Tonight) [0:05:05.00]

CD5: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国⑤-笙-牧歌

01. 跑旱船 (Run Land Boat) [0:03:49.00]

02. 牧歌 (Pastoral song) [0:07:45.00]

03. 母亲你在何方 (Where are you, Mother) [0:07:05.00]

04. 蒙古小夜曲 (Serenade of Mongolia) [0:05:37.00]

05. 刨洋芋 (Plame Potato) [0:06:26.00]

06. 乌苏里船歌 (Boat Song of Wui Su Li River) [0:05:43.00]

07. 三十里铺 (Thirty Meter) [0:05:06.00]

08. 阿里山的姑娘 (Ladies from Arli Mountain [0:03:48.00]

09. 赶牲灵 (Drive Animals) [0:05:59.00]

10. 十大姐 (The Tenth Sister) [0:05:38.00]

11. 天涯歌女 (Girl Vagrant for Singing) [0:06:48.00]

CD6: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国⑥-弹拨乐-平湖秋月

01. 燕子 (Swallow) [0:05:36.00]

02. 春思 (Spring’s Missing) [0:05:52.00]

03. 信天游 (Xing Tian You) [0:05:24.00]

04. 西风的话 (West Wind Is Speaking) [0:09:01.00]

05. 山在虚无缥缈间 (Unreal Mountain) [0:06:17.00]

06. 夜上海 (Shanghai Night) [0:04:53.00]

07. 月儿高 (Moonrise) [0:08:01.00]

08. 平湖秋月 (Autumn Moon over Plain Lake) [0:04:41.00]

CD7: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国⑦-二胡-汉宫秋月

01. 手挽手 (Hold Hands) [0:03:14.00]

02. 红豆词 (Poem Of Redbeam) [0:05:37.00]

03. 赛马 (Horse Race) [0:01:46.00]

04. 献花 (Present Flowers) [0:03:50.00]

05. 秋收 (Harvest) [0:04:11.00]

06. 达坂城的姑娘 (Girl Of Daban Town) [0:04:55.00]

07. 三年 (Three Years) [0:05:43.00]

08. 蒙古舞曲 (Dance Music Of Mongolia) [0:02:47.00]

09. 叫我如何不想她 (How Does Not Miss Her) [0:10:59.00]

10. 杨柳青 (Green Willow) [0:07:24.00]

11. 汉宫秋月 (The Autumn Moon Over The Han Palace) [0:07:19.00]

CD8: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国⑧-高胡·板胡-黄河船夫曲

01. 黄河船夫曲 (Yellow River Chantey) [0:05:27.00]

02. 四季歌 (Four Seasons) [0:06:47.00]

03. 卖菜 (Sale Dish) [0:02:26.00]

04. 小路 (Music Track) [0:04:39.00]

05. 牧羊姑娘 (Girl Sheeped) [0:03:43.00]

06. 美丽的姑娘 (Beautiful Girl) [0:03:37.00]

07. 银色的月光下 (Under the Sliver Moonlight) [0:06:22.00]

08. 我的花儿 (My Flower) [0:02:55.00]

09. 槐花几时开 (When is the Flower Opening) [0:06:13.00]

10. 牧马之歌 (Song of Herd Horses) [0:03:10.00]

CD9: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国⑨-古筝-高山流水

01. 小河淌水 (The River flows) [0:07:32.00]

02. 猜调 (Guess) [0:03:06.00]

03. 森吉德玛 (Shen Jide Ma) [0:04:39.00]

04. 阿拉木汗 (Alamhan Girl) [0:03:03.00]

05. 小和尚 (Little Monk) [0:02:17.00]

06. 不唱山歌心不爽 (My heart feel wellwhen I sing the song) [0:05:26.00]

07. 斑鸠调 (Turtledove) [0:03:22.00]

08. 二月里见罢到如今 (Never meeting since February) [0:04:35.00]

09. 丰收锣鼓 (Bumper beat) [0:03:33.00]

10. 高山流水 (High mountain and flowing water) [0:04:55.00]

11. 南泥湾 (Nani bay) [0:05:24.00]

CD10: 中国十大器乐演奏精华 – 音乐中国⑩-笛-太阳出来喜洋洋

01. 茉莉花 (Jasmine) [0:06:15.00]

02. 哇哈哈 (Wa Ha Ha) [0:05:17.00]

03. 在那遥远的地方 (The Place in the Distance) [0:07:09.00]

04. 玛依拉 (Mayila) [0:03:55.00]

05. 初一到十五 (From the First Day to the Fifth Day) [0:03:10.00]

06. 青春舞曲 (Dance Music of Youth) [0:05:25.00]

07. 苏武牧羊 (Suwn Tended Sheep) [0:06:04.00]

08. 太阳出来喜洋洋 (Jubilance When Sun Is Rise) [0:03:28.00]

09. 农家好 (Good Farmhouse) [0:05:24.00]

10. 春江花月夜 (Moonlit Night on Spring River) [0:08:01.00]

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